Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hard Time

I feel like I ate out of control tonight. I am seeing that a lack of protien does that to me. I am frustrated and wondering if surgery is the way to go...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Amazing what excercise can do

Today I was tired.  I couldn't keep my eyes open during one meeting (it didn't help that the lights were turned off for it!)  and I couldn't seem to get enough coffee.  Over lunch, I lugged myself to the Y.  I checked in, took a bio break, and mosied (sp?) on over to the elliptical machine.  12 minutes later, I was really into it - great music helped me keep up my momentum.  30 minutes later I was no longer tired, but sweaty and energized.  I think a mid-day work out is just what the doctor ordered to keep me going throughout the work day.  It also helps my weight loss efforts and wallet (since I am doing something other than shopping).

Monday, June 13, 2011


I made probably one of the most important and influential decisions of my life last week.  After stepping on the scale 4 weeks after joining Weight Watchers - I was excited and ecstatic to see I had lost a total of 8.2 pounds so far!!!  I am really enjoying the program - and have made the deicision to post-pone surgery indefinitely for now and continue on my Weight Watchers journey.

There are days that I find it hard.  There are days that I want to throw in the towel.  But I don't let myself.  I keep on pushing - and the results are astounding!  My goal right now is to get to the 10 pound mark.  When I do that, it will be a huge accomplishment for me.  After that - I would like to lose 5 more pounds - that will bring me to my 5% goal of 15 pounds lost.

This is a very slow process - but so was gaining the weight.  It took me 14 years to gain all this weight - and it is going to take me awhile to lose it.  But I am taking it one day at a time - and enjoying it actually!