Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It's a hard knock vacation...

It's a hard knock vacation...for me
It's a hard knock vacation...for me

In stead of eating home
WE eat out

Instead of Apples
WE eat crap

It's a hard knock vacation!

That's how I felt for some of the long Memorial day weekend.  For the most part, I did good.  We went to the Cheesecake Factory, and I enjoyed a great Weight Management Grilled Chicken dinner.  It was amazing.  Very tasty and only 7 Points Plus for 1/2 of it!  I packed up the 2nd 1/2 and ate it for lunch the next day.  The hard part was the rolls on the table and the hunger in my belly.  Next time, I may have to order a salad to fill me up while we wait.

The other hard part was the entire day on Sunday.  I went way off track at Friday's.  Ate appetizer, fully loaded wedge salad, and ice cream cake for dessert.

With all of that, I still stayed on plan though.  I still have 6 bonus points left for the week, and I don't plan to use them.  I got in some exercise in the pool, and playing in bounce houses with my niece and son.  All in all, I stayed true to myself.  I wasn't so strict, but I didn't go crazy.  I am very proud of myself for the vacation eating!!

I am very excited - this week, I should get my 5 pound star.  That was 20 sticks of butter off of my big old butt.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Shrinkage Has Begun

Well I made it through week 1 rather successfully if I do say so myself.  Week 1 was a "Shrinking Week"!  Today I am down 3.6 pounds!!  Good bye forever, 300s!  I will never ever ever see a 3 on the scale in the first position again!  Go me..go me..go me!

I did find the week a bit challenging...especially when it came to crackers and dip (my biggest weakness I think).  But even with enjoying that in moderation, the weight has started to slough off of me.  I think I have tracking my intake, and starting to move more to thank for that. 

I have taken up evening strolls.  Nothing too strenuous.  Just a gentle stroll through the neighborhood with my family.  I found that I need to realize I am not 130 pounds.  I can't go for a jog.  I can't speed walk around the town.  But I will get there, and for now I will stroll - because at least I am moving.

This time is different.  I know it is.  Normally, after the first week things start to go downhill.  I nibble here, nibble there, don't track food...and before you know it, i'm 20 pounds heavier than when I started.  Well today somebody brought cookies into work.  I did have 2.  And that is fine.  It is fine because I wanted two more...but those two more are still sitting in the break room...instead of in my stomach!  I tracked the two cookies, and have moved on.  I am very pleased with myself for that.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My Theme Song

The wife jokingly said this should be my theme song.  I personally think it's perfect.

Bam...bam bam bam...bam bam bam...bam bam bammmmmmmmmmmm

Monday, May 16, 2011

Changes All Around

The blog name has changed.
My nerves have changed.
My life has changed.

Since I wrote my last post, I got some nerves about going through with this surgery. I decided that I needed to give things one last shot before I pushed forward with this route.

On June 12, 2011 my life changed. I picked myself up and brought myself into a Weight Watchers meeting. On the way there, I called my wife and asked her if she would support me in whatever weight loss path I choose to go down. She told me that I have her support in anything I do. That was the push I needed. I walked in and paid for my first week. I paid my $13 and got weighed in. 301.8 pounds *Gasp*. I took my materials and sat down (in the middle, not in the back for the first time). Low and behold, the meetings topic this week was "SUPPORT". How will I get support? Who will support me? How will they support me? This was a sign for me. I had just finished asking my wife for support, and here we were talking about it. It really got me motivated.

It's been 4.5 days since my first meeting. I have been struggling and thought of giving up already and just having the surgery. But I refuse. I found success stories, blogs, and message boards that contain individuals who have done this. I am going to join that elite group.

I have changed the name of my blog to "The Incredible Shrinking Jaime" because I think it fits. This journey will follow me shrinking down bit by bit. The title inspires me. Now I just need a theme song...